Now that most employees are working from home, they can be more suseptible to phishing scams. Hackers are constantly evolving these scams therefore making them more realistic and difficult to identify.
Phishing emails are dangerous to small businesses. All it takes is for an email to appear like it’s from a trusted source, let’s say your CEO for an employee to click a link. This would provide the hacker access to all your company’s personal data. Here are three steps you and your employees can take to protect yourself from these attacks.
1. Constantly monitor company computers and have the latest software protection installed
Technologies Northwest actively monitors all customer computers 24/7 and takes a proactive approach to resolving errors. We make sure that your company is using the best cyber security software that’s available and that all systems stay up and running 100% of the time. In addition to this, you’ll also want to make sure to protect your employees cell-phones, ipads, and any other electronics used for business,
2. Educate your employees on Phishing Scams
Education is the #1 best resource to help your employees avoid phishing scams. Technologies NW supports your business by sending out monthly newsletters to all customers with helpful tips and tricks. We also apply a customer wide policy for cyber security to ensure that our customers are protected the best.
3. Back-Up Your Data
You’ll want to make sure that your company has all it’s important data backed up on a server or on the cloud. If a cyber attack happens, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you can always utilize the stored data to access your important information.
Ensure that your company has a multi-layer cyber security strategy in place. Utilize the above strategies and hire the right IT company so that your business remains protected and profitable.
These scams can be avoided with a proper stategy. Reach out to TechNW to learn more about how we can help support and protect your business.